A Red Tartan Maxi Skirt.

Blogged listening to the Palo Alto Soundtrack, crying my angsty eyes out to "is this sound okay?" Outfit - Grunge Children Store Apologies for my lack of blogging I've cramming (temporarily dying) from Year 11 and the exams that come with my final years of school... On the bright side I found this beauty of a skirt thrifting when I was in New Zealand a little bit ago... It's currently my favourite piece in my wardrobe (even though its a few sizes too big :(((( ) I recently was with Grunge Children Store at Round She Goes Markets in Sydney and had such a blast meeting all of your beautiful faces, selling you some of my best finds! I'll be at Round She Goes Markets in Sydney again in October so keep a look out! Outfit: Grunge Children Store Instagram @grungechildrenstore www.depop.com/laneikka www.facebook.com/grungechildrenstore Laneikka x Instagram: @grunge_children Tumblr: undergroundgrunge.tumblr.com Con...