Theatre 2 see in Sydney: ASYLUM

A challenge to the whirlwind obscurities of the Australian legal system and how far one will go to seek forever Asylum.

I had the brilliant opportunity to endure the journey’s of five everyday Australian’s road to moralistic success through Ruth Fingret’s new work ‘Asylum.’ This work deals with the issues of disconnection, miscommunication, dishonesty and how whilst battling these issues all people just want to protect themselves and what’s important to them. The stylistic edgy, clean cut, fast-pace approach to these stories was juxtaposing, but intoxicatingly empathising to building these characters blackout by blackout. 

The space of Comber Street studios (Paddington, Sydney) further inspires the sterile conditions endured through the highs and lows of the multilayered plot. Combining this hostility with the intimate performance space, intensified the silent aggression of each scene. By somehow still achieving quite comical moments through the directional work of Richard Hilliar. 

Quite frankly Asylum is worth seeing for three main points: 

  1. The sublime subtleties of the whole cast’s performances. Special mention to David Woodland as ‘Craig’ (who had a particular audience member not only emoting, but very much sobbing…)
  2. The spectacular use of time. Developing this full-length work within such a short time frame (8 weeks) and having such a polished performance is something rather notable.
  3. Finally to see some of the best, newest, freshest, contemporary Australian theatre staged right now. The work of Ruth Fingret could be performed in a cardboard box and it would make an audience ‘feel’ something. 

Overall the newest work Asylum produced by Brave New Word Theatre Company is challenging, provoking and every Australian can empathise to the social injustices of the text. However there is one downfall to this production… GET MORE PARKING! Seriously Paddington parking is a nightmare and we poor car drivers find it so hard to see theatre with no parking! 

Asylum presented by Brave New Word Theatre Company is on at Comber Street Studios until the 25th November.

For more information about Asylum and Brave New Word Theatre Company click here:

Laneikka x
Instagram: @grunge_children



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