Lily: Collaboration

Hey Grunge Kids,

I'm so excited to finally share with you all, the final product of my recent collaboration with Lily Doble. 

First off, Lily is not only a talented, ambitiously creative photographer with such eloquent work. But one of the nicest human beings to work on such a great project with. 

This lookbook was created by the raging angst in fashion choices of my blog "Grunge Children" to be soothed by the earthy, urban natural environments and colours captured within Lily's work. This juxtaposing combination creates such work with grit, but beauty. 

To see more work from our recent collaboration go to Lily's Photography website:

Details of looks:

Look 1: 
Top- Adidas
Skirt- Vintage

Look 2:
Mesh Top- Glassons
Maxi Dress- UNIF

Look 3: 
Jacket- Zara
Shirt/Jeans- Vintage
Shoes- Dotti

Thanks for reading! Xx 

Laneikka xoxoxo!

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Insta- @grunge_children


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