2018. In an outfit.

Happy NYE Grunge Kids!

It’s 2018. By now I thought we’d have flying cars.

In all seriousness though, 2018 has been great thanks to you lot. I have had so many amazing opportunities to work with Australian and international fashion companies, went to MBFWA for the second year in a row (getting featured in Elle, Vogue AU and ASOS online!!!), featured in three print fashion magazines (being on the cover of one!) and have gotten to work with some of the most amazing photographers Australia has to offer. I’ve loved this year and I love you guys for loving my quirky, weird outfits and staying around for more. Endless love and have a good 2018. 

Top: Dotti
Pants: Bardot
Shoes: Big W

Thank you! X
Laneikka xxx

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Instagram: @grunge_children
Contact: undergroundgrunge@hotmail.com


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